Monday, August 16, 2010 sucks!

Ugh, today I woke up and my throat was on FIRE!! I think the stress of all the things going on at once is finally catching up to me. I now have less than a week to finish up on my latest project and I don't know how I am going to do it!

Right now, sitting on my laptop and trying to find words is a challenge. My head is clouded by a cold and my mind is emotionally clouded by stress. I am getting things done but today, today, sucks! lol!

Laundry is in the wash, dishes need to get cleaned, garbage needs to go out, phone calls need to be made and here I am sitting in my bed...and I just can't bring myself to move.

Hopefully, dinner will be here soon and it will help me energize for another night of endless tasks....

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Wonder of Believing in True Love

This weekend was monumental! I got to revisit love and began to believe once again that true love does exist. For a while now, I lost faith and hope that real love was fictional and fantasy that we create as little girls wanting a fairytale. I was asked to bear witness, along with close friends and family, to the beginning of two very important friends' fairytale ending. Happily ever after does exist and they are proof. Its amazing how time and space was something that never phased what was truly real for them...their love! 15 years later, rekindling love lost and realizing that even as children we can find that "one" can exist. They embody all that I want in my life and in love. 

To Jonie and Willie....God has blessed you with one another and now a true symbol of your committment and love for one another in a child! I cried last night in being  honored in sharing these precious moments with you all. With our CK family and all those monumental people who have molded you, it was truly amazing!

Thank you for offering me the opportunity to believe again! YAIN (You're All I Need)...I will take that in my heart with me on my quest for true happiness. 

Besos and congrats again! I can't wait to be a witness at your wedding and to be a Titi to my precious new nephew or niece. Your lives are going to be blessed a million times fold!