Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Challenges of A Single Mom

  1. Juggling my kids social lives. They have more events and friends than I do.
  2. Having a personal life...dating...whats that? lol
  3. Cleaning the house, when in 30 seconds flat its destroyed!
  4. Cooking at a reasonable time.
  5. Finding a way to make ends meet....there never seems to be enough for everything!
  6. Keeping my cool when all I want to do is scream!
  7. Getting all the kids to bed without the song and dance acts they decide to perform.
  8. Taking a shower! Enough said!
  9. Socializing with someone other than a 1 yr old...anyone need a grown up friend?
  10. Loving yourself enough to know, if you're not happy, neither will your kids be!

1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by from the SITS Girls 31 Day Challenge. What a fun list! Love #1, certainly don't remember being that busy when I was that young.
